Teaching Methodology
The teaching-learning environment would be positive, inclusive, and stimulating. It would be in the line and instruction of the CBSE and would develop the most innovative child centric classroom teaching methods. Our in-class technology, equips the teachers to arrange various digital resources to understand the aptitude of each child and cater individual needs. Our assessments and evaluation helps the teachers to judge and evaluate the true levels of learning. The process also results in the self-improvement of teaching towards efficiency. Special time is allocated in the curriculum to improve the spoken English. It is noteworthy to mention about the daily DEAR session (Drop Everything and Read) which inculcates the habit of reading. Grade 1 to 3 children do not get any homework except during the weekends – so that there is no break in the link of what they have learnt in school. In the rest of the Grades also less homework is given – in Mathematics daily and in other subjects according to a prescribed weekly schedule.