Bharat our glorious motherland is a living embodiment of unity among diversity. Our country has noticeable variations in language, culture, cuisine, climate, natural endowments. Though we have such diversity yet all are connected to each other with bonds of bonhomie and tolerance. Our country has been plundered since ancient times and the battle scars are still visible in the length and breadth of the country. There has been innumerable attempt to conceal our glorious past, erode our cultural beliefs and inject western thoughts and beliefs among the Indian populace. ‘Bharat ko Jano’ is Bharatiya Vikas Parishad’s initiative to reacquaint young generation with our thriving and rich cultural past. The endeavor has been undertaken to connect with youth and ignite their knowledge about their motherland. The quiz has garnered huge response and helped spread awareness amongst school kids about our rich heritage and diverse culture. Students’ participating in this quiz program progress towards becoming more informed, aware, and responsible citizens. Bharat Vikas Parishad’s efforts have reinvigorated the new generation to embrace India’s heritage and work towards its progress. The quiz features general knowledge questions that delve into the following areas: Religion and culture- Indian deities, Indian religion, philosophy, fine arts, performing arts and cultural traditions. History- Important historical events, kings, famous dynasties, battles and treaties, monuments and achievements. Politics and Constitution-Information about the constitution of Independent India, present political system, main political events etc. Geography & Economy-Physical and political regions of Bharat, prominent rivers, mountains, climate, towns, natural resources and minerals, Industries & Trade and Economic Literature- Important books, authors and quotations. Sports-sport personnel’s and their achievements. Miscellaneous: Ancient and modern personalities, honours and awards, defence etc. Current events ‘Bharat ko Jano’ quiz competition has helped the participating students in expanding their knowledge and understanding of our country’s diversity, achievements, and contributions to the world. Our young minds at Sri Prakash Vidyaniketan the best CBSE school have gained immense exposure while participating in this quiz. They have developed their critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills as the questions in the quiz competition are designed to be challenging and require them to use their problem-solving skills to arrive at the correct answer. They have become better communicators and good team players. Our students have gained immense confidence in their own abilities while confidently answering the diverse questions on such a huge platform. Our students are burning the midnight oil this year too and leaving no stone unturned to reach the ‘Bharat ko Jano’ finals. Today, we remind our students once more to keep their dreams and self- belief alive. Have faith in your vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. We, at Sri Prakash Vidyaniketan are proud of our young knowledge seekers and wish them good luck and success for the forthcoming event.