Activities help the students to learn and practice skills that will help them express themselves with their individuality. To nurture the talent of each Prakashite, the school has made extensive arrangements that enable the students to learn different arts, crafts, music, dance, Taekwondo and chess etc.
Club activities help the students to learn and practice skills that will help them express themselves with their individuality. To nurture the talent of each prakashite, the school has made extensive arrangements that enable the students to learn different arts, crafts, music and dance. The school provides a rich variety of activities through its eight myriad forms of clubs namely Innovation club (ATL), Arts club, Mathematics club, Science club, Photography club, Interact club, Intach Club, Eco Club.
The school also nurtures the young talents of various areas of interests such as Art, Painting, Dance, School band, congo, tabla, keyboard, guitar, Taekwondo, Chess, Table Tennis and Yoga classes for meaningful engagement.
Art stimulates the imagination. To watch a child completely engrossed in arts is to recognize that the brain is active and driven by aesthetics and emotions, to make meaning, state opinions, and represent what matters to them. Our ART curriculum emphasizes the development of a child’s fine motor skills i.e. the development of a child’s body and mind coordination, which takes place at a particular age when a child is going through the EYP phase. This particular phase plays a very important role in a child’s life since this is where he/she develops the ability to reach out to his/her creative potentials, which is then reflected in the higher grades. Education in visual arts is fundamental to the aesthetic, physical, emotional, intellectual, and social growth of the individual. It provides children with unique ways of knowing, doing, living, and belonging to a global community.
Music is a significant part of every culture, tradition, religion, etc. Feelings are magnified when expressed through music. We have introduced a curriculum that provides children with an opportunity to learn and play musical instruments, and express thoughts in a creative and artistic way.
Our curriculum revolves around
- Theory of Music
- History of Music
- Instrument Specialization (Guitar, Keyboards, Drums & Recorder)
- Vocals
We have introduced Music History and Music Appreciation wish aids in understanding music intellectually and also exposes the student to different styles and eras of music.
Children should be involved in at least one art form as it contributes to their happiness. And when combined with learning, it must never be ignored. At SRIPRAKASH, we believe dance is an integral aspect of a balanced education programme.
Dance Studio
We have designated dance room as comfortable space, and dance teacher to help our students express their feelings through movement. We have various talent events throughout the year that allow our students to explore their interests and aim for better challenges.
No Bags Day
Every Saturday of the week is a No Bag Day at SRIPRAKAsH. A day where students do not carry their bags or books to school. The day’s schedule remains the same and the topics for the day are taught through interactive exercises, practical experiments, tests/quizzes etc. While reducing the burden of carrying books to school, it also enhances the learning experience as what they learn on this special day through different teaching methods leaves a stronger impression on their minds.
Students Council
Being a part of the Student Council, students engage in learning about democracy and leadership. Here, they learn to give their inputs regarding the functioning of their class and carry out different responsibilities, which helps in making them aware of their contribution to the school. This is where they learn to take the charge and experience how to make a change or be a part of it.